Friday, 6 December 2013

Niamh Lucey Portfolio - Drawing techniques 2

Drawing techniques

After I had done the 5 hour exam, I had to go on to create another final piece, so I used a current photograph oh him and an old one, from when he was in the army. I then merged the two together to create a middle-aged him. I then went on to draw this in pencil to create my final piece.

AS explained on the previous page, this is my AS final piece. This page displays the process of making the piece and the finished drawing. The whole process was actually rather simple, but during the actual drawing I had to make sure that I used tone, light and made sure that it was actually realistic. I started out using photo shop creating the mashed image of young and old, this was then gridded onto a piece of paper where I then began to draw the outline of the head and shoulder. Then I went on to add the outlines of the face detail. This was then begun to be shaded and then added to in depth to create a finished final piece.

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