Friday, 6 December 2013

Niamh Lucey Portfolio - Making Process

Making Process

For my GCSE Textiles project, I had to do two projects, both a making and then a designing. On this page I have examples of my designing project, where I had a theme based around natural forms. I then had to take inspiration fro current or past trends. I used this example of Alexander McQueen’s SS12 catwalk collection based around marine and oceanic objects. This was a great inspiration in my work, as you can see below. I had designed my own garments using this inspiration based around a target market. All of the garments designed included things such as pearl buttons and coral designs to link in with the current trend set be Alexander McQueen at Paris fashion week. During the project I researched about different materials and techniques that I could use to help with the creation of this garment. I also researched costs and about the market that would be attracted to a garment such as this. I then had to go on to further development and improvements of my garment, ensuring the design was the best it could be. Using fabric swatches on the ideas pages to give an idea of how the garment would look.

In the two bottom examples, I had experimented with fabrics and machinery to try and achieve the desired effect that I was hoping for. This is very useful in the designing process as you can see at an early stage what would need more improvement and how things work.


This was also for my GCSE Textiles project, This is the making side of it. I had to create a garment from a pattern piece and record the making of it. Throughout the project I had to use a wide range of machinery such as a sewing machine, an over locker, an embroidery machine and a heat press. All of these skills have remained with me and I will be able to pick them up again very easily. I have had quite a bit of experience using a sewing machine as I have two in my bedroom and use them quite often. 

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